Ken Takahashi BiographySculptures by Ken TakahashiVessels by Ken Takahashi2D Works by artist Ken TakahashiEssays by Ken Takahashi



Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1955, I have been a resident of California since 1975. I started my artistic training with Mr. Bong Tae Kim when he was teaching printmaking at the University of Southern California in the U.S.A. I started into field of Ceramic Sculpture under the direction of Susan Peterson and Ken Price. I have participated in the project of building a wood-firing kiln conducted by Katz Sakazume from Japan and Peter Voulkos in the U.S.A. I have been teaching at California State University, Fullerton since 2000 while participating in international exhibitions including the 1st World Ceramic Biennale, 2001 Korea International Competition. I have been attempting to create biomorphic objects based on the images of the human body which is said to follow the evolutionary changes of figurative form. Clay invites me to play with the material in between observation and composition, and allows me to think about form and detail. I intend to produce ambiguous but evocative sculpture. Investigating the transition of life given by the transition of time and space is the theme of my work.

1955年東京生まれ。都立青山高等学校卒業後、渡米。南カリフォルニア大学人文学部芸術学科卒業。カリフォルニア州立大学ロサンゼルス校大学院修士課程美術研究科修了。州立大学フラトン校講師を経て、現在同校芸術学部レジデント・アーティスト。 日本陶芸展(2009)、美濃国際陶磁展(2006)、 朝日陶芸展(2005)、ファエンツァ国際陶芸ビエンナーレ(イタリア、2003)、ヴァロリス国際陶芸展(フランス、2002)、世界陶磁ビエンナーレ(韓国、2001)などの国際コンクールに入選。カリフォルニア州立大学ロサンゼルス校、L.A.アートコアセンター、ギャラリーサボアヴィーブル(東京)などでの個展に加え、米国各地の企画展、公募展に参加。金海市クレイアーク美術館アーティストインレジデンス・プログラム招聘(2010)。


I have been attempting to create biomorphic objects based on the images of the human body which is said to follow the evolutionary changes of figurative form. Clay invites me to play with the material in between observation and composition, and allows me to think about form and detail. I intend to produce ambiguous but evocative sculpture. Investigating the transition of life given by the transition of time and space is the theme of my work.

selected exhibisions

1989Gallery Savoir Vivre (Tokyo, 2005, 07, 09)
2000The First World Ceramic Biennale; ( Ichon, Korea)
200218th International Ceramic Biennale; (Vallauris, France)
200353rd International Contemporary Ceramics Biennale; ( Faenza, Italy)
20057th International Mino Ceramic Exhibition; (Japan)
200645th Asahi Contemporary Ceramic Exhibition; (Japan)
200920th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition; (Japan)

Solo Exhibitions

Gallery Savoir Vivre;Tokyo,
LA Artcore Center; Los Angeles, California State University, Los Angeles Teaching:
Lecturer of Art, California State University, Fullerton (2000-2010)
ken takahashi
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